How do immigrants come to be integrated into a society & what do we mean by 'integration' anyway? How do we embrace diversity without losing culture, identity & solidarity of the nation? How do we fully harness the benefit of diversity not as a mere tolerance or respect for difference but as a thriving lived experience for enrichment of everyone involved & for the benefit of society as a whole? How do we address the root of populism that is threatening the liberal democratic values in many societies around the world?
ELIANA LEE offers MULTICULTURAL CONSULTING for 'communities' of different scales — GOVERNMENTS, COMPANIES, ORGANIZATIONS & SCHOOLS — on HOW they can resolve their multicultural challenges:
COMPANIES/ORGANIZATIONS/SCHOOLS on HOW they can fully harness diversity for enrichment of everyone involved & for the benefit of the community as a whole, the appreciation & celebration of diversity not merely as a a 'lip service' but a thriving & enriching lived experience of the community, while also empowering everyone to unleash their full potential.
GOVERNMENTS on HOW they can integrate immigrants; HOW they can embrace diversity without losing culture, identity & solidarity of the nation; HOW they can create a society in which diversity is not merely managed or tolerated but fully harnessed for benefit of the society as a whole; HOW they can address the rise of populism at the root.
IMMIGRANTS (first generation or children of immigrants) on HOW they can arrive at a harmonious resolution on questions of belonging, identity & relationship between cultures, as well as overcome a sense of alienation (can be organized as a one-on-one consultation or a group workshop).
MULTICULTURAL CONSULTING starts with an initial inquiry that describes what problem/challenges you are looking to solve.
As the world that stands at the junction of retrogressing to the segregationist & hierarchical past rather than progressing towards more egalitarian, inclusive & plural ideals, critical reflections on WHAT KIND OF SOCIETY DO WE WANT TO CREATE? have become more urgent than ever.
Despite an urgent need for holistically making sense of what is happening & what ought to be happening, discussions remain splintered & polarized, more focused on the critique of the problem rather than generating shared vision toward which we can move forward.
ELIANA LEE fills this gap by creating the unifying SPACE for CRITICAL ANALYSIS & SOCIAL VISIONING that clarifies shared values & generates shared vision forward.
Framed as a 6 week online workshop, MULTICULTURAL EDUCATION WORKSHOP takes participants through the process of critically evaluating a spectrum of ethos of societies in terms of equality & inclusion & how people across cultural & racial boundaries interact with one another, provoking them to question where their own society might stand along the spectrum of ethos & what kind of society they would choose to create based on the values they believe in.
Through the workshop, participants would gain:
a capacity zoom out & SEE, with a critical distance, where we stand now, WHY where we stand now is still a problem, HOW we can move beyond where we stand now.
a capacity to be able to view both the symptoms & the cause.
critical concepts that would not only empower & enrich their own lives, but also help transform the society.
a competency to be able to discuss often sensitive & uncomfortable territories of RACE with fluidity & ease.
critical thinking & design thinking skills in direct engagement with urgent issues of our time.
ELIANA LEE is particularly interested in inserting the workshop into homogeneous & underserved regions where access & exposure to diversity is even considered a privilege. The workshop is offered throughout the year [see WORKSHOP CALENDAR] - SPRING, SUMMER, FALL & WINTER - or can be arranged upon request.
Encouraged by the passionate response her students showed in her teaching on multiculturalism as a university professor in Midwest America, where she engaged a largely homogeneous group of students against the backdrop of a rapidly shifting ethos in America & increasing polarization around the world, and seeing an urgent need for more unifying discussions that clarify shared ideals & generate shared vision forward, she decided to take her teaching to the wider public.​
Client brings a rough form of essay that externalizes what he/she sees as he/she sees it
gets feedback on what structure emerges out of it & how your core concept can be distilled & developed
Client brings a developed essay based on feedback
gets feedback on how they can further close the gap between what they want to express & what gets expressed
How do we create an inclusive & egalitarian society in which diversity is not merely tolerated or managed, but fully harnessed for enrichment of everyone involved & benefit of the society as a whole? Despite progress made over the last decades, MULTICULTURALISM remains an enduring challenge, all the more urgent as we stand at the junction of retrogressing to the homogeneous & hierarchical past rather than progressing towards egalitarian, inclusive & plural ideals.
While teaching a largely homogeneous group of university students on the subject of multiculturalism, I observed an interesting phenomenon: When the issue was framed as a 'minority issue' & 'how to treat minorities better,' the issue remained outside of her students, but when it was framed as 'what kind of society do we want to create?' 'how do we ensure equality, fairness & justice for ALL?', then students got riled up about the issue without her having to convince them why the issue mattered & why they should care. This experience taught her that in order to achieve UNITY in society, the issue of diversity, equality & inclusion had to be framed as a social justice issue that affected us all, including the majority, rather than a a 'minority issue,' which maintained a division between the majority & minorities.
MULTICULTURAL CHALLENGE inserts analytic insight on HOW we can rise up to the challenges of creating a multicultural society in the 21C. It focuses on the following key challenges:
INTEGRATION: HOW immigrants come to be integrated into a society & what we mean by 'integration' anyway;
FEAR OF LOSING CULTURE & IDENTITY OF THE NATION WITH A GROWING DIVERSITY: HOW a society can embrace diversity without losing culture, identity & solidarity of the nation;
HARNESSING DIVERSITY: HOW we can move beyond mere representation of diversity or coexistence of different groups living side by side towards fully harnessing the benefit of diversity as a thriving lived experience;
EXORCISING RACISM: HOW we can root out racism by empowering individuals with the tools to connect with their inner strength without which the outer symptoms of hierarchy & tribalism would persist;
FAIRNESS: HOW we can ensure fairness for ALL, the sense of unfairness felt by the majority that is fueling the 'white backlash' (intersection between CLASS & RACE);
RISE OF POPULISM: HOW the intersection between economic, social, cultural & psychological forces is fueling the rise of populism that is threatening liberal democracies ground the globe & HOW it can be addressed at the root.
METHOD: MULTICULTURAL CHALLENGE takes a UNIFYING approach of dissolving the boundary between the majority & the minorities — by treating multiculturalism not as a 'minority issue' or 'how to treat minorities better,' which maintains a division between the majority & minorities, but a social design issue that concern us ALL — 'what kind of society we would choose to create based on the values that we believe in,' 'how can we ensure equality, fairness & justice for ALL,' which brings everyone together in a shared pursuit of shared ideals.
MULTICULTURAL EDUCATION: MULTICULTURAL CHALLENGE offers MULTICULTURAL EDUCATION that creates the SPACE for CRITICAL ANALYSIS & SOCIAL VISIONING, that takes participants through the process of critically analyzing where we stand now & social visioning of how we can move forward, which sharpens critical thinking & design thinking in direct engagement with urgent issues of our time. Current offerings are as follows:
BEYOND MULTICULTURALISM [8 Weeks, Online]: How do we create a society in which people from different cultures can live together? BEYOND MULTICULTURALISM takes the participants through the process of critically analyzing where we stand now & social visioning of how we can move forward, raising social consciousness to be able to SEE, with a critical distance, WHY where we stand now is still a problem & HOW we can move beyond where we stand now towards creating a truly multicultural society in which diversity is not merely tolerated or managed, but fully harnessed for enrichment of everyone involved & benefit of the society as a whole.
ROOTS OF POPULISM [8 Weeks, Online]: Despite the eruption of populism across the globe that is throwing liberal democratic values into a disarray, there is little public understanding of what populism is, what's fueling it & what can be done about it. ROOTS OF POPULISM workshop takes participants through the social design process of holistically & systematically making sense of how economic, social, cultural & psychological forces are colliding & intersecting to fuel the phenomenon of populism that are being expressed now & how they can be addressed at the root.
MULTICULTURAL CHALLENGE is interested in partnering with institutions around the globe in inserting the online courses into their curriculum. For this partnership, please use the inquiry form below.
MULTICULTURAL CONSULTING: MULTICULTURAL CHALLENGE also offers MULTICULTURAL CONSULTING for societies with emerging & enduring challenges of multiculturalism (including ethnic nations with a growing diversity + immigrant nations from their inception) on HOW they can rise up to their multicultural challenges: ​
LECTURE: on particular topics or challenges you are interested in learning more about (the mechanism of how it works)
CONTEXTUAL ANALYSIS & STRATEGIC VISIONING: Contextual analysis of where you stand now & strategic visioning of how you can move forward, including what frameworks you can put into place;
PROGRAM DESIGN & IMPLEMENTATION: Program design & Implementation based on your needs, including but not limited to:
​INTEGRATION WORKSHOP: Rather than a conventional ‘integration program’ of helping immigrants ‘try harder’ to integrate themselves by learning the language & norms of the host society, MULTICULTURAL CHALLENGE addresses the real issue of HOW they can develop a sense of belonging & emotional identification with the nation & arrive at a harmonious resolution on the questions of belonging, identity & relationship between cultures (a seamless integration of different cultures in one body), which can be organized as a one-on-one consultation or a group workshop with migrant youth.
MULTICULTURAL CONSULTING starts with an initial inquiry that describes what problem/challenges you are looking to resolve.
'Suffering comes from identification with form'. — Eckhart Tolle
When I first decided to write, I felt powerless to write, which set me off on a journey of trying to figure out why I couldn't write. I discovered that while most endeavors in life was achievable through a strong discipline and willpower, creativity was one arena that could not happen without being connected to one's deeper self. I went on an obsessive search of understanding what 'deeper self' is & how one becomes connected to it. What I discovered along this process turned out to be the most valuable truth that life could have revealed to me, which not only enabled me to write but also ended up transforming all arenas of my life. I decided to share my insight to empower others and make it more accessible to the wider public. I realized that I learned to access this dimension — the transcendental dimension — through my training in music. Fascinated that access to this dimension didn't have to depend on mastery of an instrument nor did it have to be as ephemeral as it was the case in music, I wanted to share with as many people as possible as a way of democratizing the access.
* * *
Without being connected to our deeper self, it is inevitable that we would seek out our sense of self & worth through 'form's out there— be it achievement, association or appearance — the 'crutches' to derive our sense of self & worth, where our true self & worth cannot be found.
This is a shaky ground to stand on since our sense of self & worth would depend on ups & downs of external circumstances. And without being firmly rooted in the unshakable sense of self & worth, we would be caught by persistent forces of self-doubt & self-sabotage that continue to derail us & hold us back from realizing our full potential.
It is only when we have discovered our deeper self, which resides in ourselves — independent of anything external & prior to any conditioning — that we would be able to let go the 'crutches' to derive our sense of self & worth — what we have been holding onto so tightly as if they defined who we were & what we were worth. And the magnitude & immensity of what we could manifest when it arises out of the infinite worth we already feel inside of ourselves would be immeasurable compared to striving to achieve something in order to prove our worth.
ART OF CONSCIOUSNESS empowers you with the tools to connect with your deeper self, from which you can unleash & express your full potential.
Beyond analysis of the mind or connection with the body, it goes deeper into connecting with consciousness itself. It works both on the level of 'form' & 'formless' dimension: Identifying & releasing what's blocking access to your deeper self (the 'form' dimension) AND empowering you with the tools to connect with your deeper self (the 'formless' dimension). A growing intensity of consciousness & dis-identification with 'form' — the process of HEALING — would allow you to fully step into your true self & worth.
It offers a series of workshops that show you HOW the tools of connecting to your deeper self can be applied towards the challenges you are looking to resolve in your own life & HOW you can, in fact, use the challenge as the opportunity to strengthen your connection to your deeper self & expedite your overall healing process. Current offerings are as follows:
POWER: HOW do you overcome self-doubt & feel your intrinsic value/worth? POWER workshop shows you HOW connection to your deeper self holds the key in coming to feel your intrinsic value & worth. The workshop is suitable for anyone who wants to (re)start from the place of empowerment rather than disempowerment & is especially recommended for historically disempowered groups such as WOMEN or MINORITY or FIRST GENERATION. [More>]
PURPOSE: HOW do you arrive at a purpose in alignment with the truth of who you are? The workshop shows you HOW connection to your deeper self holds the key in arriving at a purpose in alignment with the truth of who you are. It is suitable for anyone who feels lost/aimless on where to direct their energy or what their purpose is that harnesses expresses their full potential, including those looking for CAREER TRANSITION, LIBERAL ARTS GRADS or FIRST GENERATION who lack external guidance. [More>​]
CREATIVITY: HOW do you overcome creative block & manifest your creative vision? CREATIVITY workshop shows you HOW connection to your deeper self holds the key in overcoming your creative block & manifest your creative vision. The workshop is suitable for aspiring WRITERS, ARTISTS & ENTREPRENEURS who want to create but feel powerless to move forward & create works that arise from the wellspring of creativity that have the power to communicate the deeper truth. [More>]
When I first decided to write, I felt powerless to write, which set me off on a journey of trying to figure out why I couldn't write. I discovered that while most endeavors in life was achievable through a strong discipline and willpower, creativity was one arena that could not happen without being connected to one's deeper self. I went on an obsessive search of understanding what 'deeper self' is & how one becomes connected to it. What I discovered along this process turned out to be the most valuable truth that life could have revealed to me, which not only enabled me to write but also ended up transforming all arenas of my life. I decided to share my insight to empower others and make it more accessible to the wider public. I realized that I learned to access this dimension — the transcendental dimension — through my training in music. Fascinated that access to this dimension didn't have to depend on mastery of an instrument nor did it have to be as ephemeral as it was the case in music, I wanted to share with as many people as possible as a way of democratizing the access.
* * *
Tired of playing small, holding yourself back, hiding out, not shining the light you are meant to shine, when you know deep down what you are capable of?
That helpless, powerless version of you (the shadow self) is not who you really are. You are merely playing the helplessness, powerlessness game. And you have a choice to not to play that game anymore.
By choosing to no longer identify with that your lower self, but instead to identify with your higher self -- which is who you really are. ​It's a radical shift in positioning -- from identification with your lower self to identification with your higher self & drawing the firm boundary between the two.
​​​​​​​THE LIGHT WORK helps you make that shift -- from identification with lower self to higher self -- empowering you with the tools to connect with your higher self & express your full potential.
​Beyond analysis of the mind or connection with your body, it goes deeper into connecting with consciousness itself.​ It empowers you with the tools to:
​1) CONNECT with your higher self -- the transcendental dimension;
2) NOTICE when you go there , without identifying with it (determination to SEE when you slip into lower energy)
3) USE the arenas you feel 'powerless' & 'helpless' about as the opportunity ​​to clear up the lower energy.
​A growing expansion of consciousness & dis-identification with lower energy would allow you to fully & firmly step into your own power/healthy aggression.
The only way to dis-identify with your lower self is to catch yourself when you go there. And the only way to see it is to have the distance & space to be able to see it. And the only way to have the distance to be able to see it is to be securely rooted in your higher self.
be securely rooted in higher self, the seat from which you can notice how you go to play that game, without identifying with it.
There is one battle we need to fight, and that is an inner battle against the inner saboteur [EGO, RESISTANCE, SELF-DOUBT, SELF-SABOTAGE] that would keep us disempowered, keep us small, keep us stuck, unless we stood up to it & declared independence from it.
And the only way to stand up to it is not try to oppose it or get rid of it, which would only strengthen it, but to RECOGNIZE it in operation without identifying with it. And the only way to RECOGNIZE it without identifying with it is to be secured rooted in deeper self — the seat from which you can watch — with distance & spaciousness — it in operation without identifying with it. Once you begin to see it clearly in operation, it loses power over you.
ART OF CONSCIOUSNESS empowers you with the tools to connect with your higher self, from which you can unleash & express your full potential.
Beyond analysis of the mind or connection with the body, it goes deeper into connecting with consciousness itself. It empowers you with the tools to:
CONNECT: with your higher self & become rooted in;
NOTICE: lower energy without identifying with it;
DISSOLVE: er energy without identifying with it;
A growing expansion of consciousness & dis-identification with lower self — the process of HEALING — would allow you to unleash & express your full potential.
While teaching a largely homogeneous group of university students on the subject of MULTICULTURALISM, I observed an interesting phenomenon: When the issue was framed as a 'minority issue' & 'how to treat minorities better,' the issue remained outside of my students, but when it was framed as 'what kind of society do we want to create?' 'how do we ensure equality, fairness & justice for ALL?', then students got riled up about the issue without me having to convince them why the issue mattered & why they should care.
This experience taught me that in order to achieve UNITY in society, the issue of diversity, equality & inclusion had to be framed as a social design issue that affected us all, including the majority, rather than a a 'minority issue,' which maintained a division between the majority & minorities.
My writing & teaching focus on TWO POINTS OF UNITY on the levels of both symptoms & cause: Raising
1) SOCIAL CONSCIOUSNESS on the overall ethos of the society & what kind of society we would choose to create based on the values that we believe in & 2) INDIVIDUAL CONSCIOUSNESS empowering individuals with the tools to connect with their true source of power, without which the outer 'symptoms' of hierarchy & tribalism would persist. ​​
How do we create an inclusive and egalitarian society in which diversity is not merely tolerated or managed but fully harnessed for enrichment of everyone involved & benefit of the society as a whole?
Despite progress made over the last decades, MULTICULTURALISM still remains an enduring challenge, all the more urgent as we stand at the junction of retrogressing to the homogeneous & hierarchical past rather than progressing towards egalitarian, inclusive & plural ideals.
MULTICULTURAL CHALLENGE project works on providing analytic insight on HOW we can rise up to the challenges of creating a multicultural society in the 21C.
It works on the following key challenges:​
INTEGRATION: HOW immigrants come to be integrated into a society & what we mean by 'integration' anyway;
FEAR OF LOSING CULTURE, IDENTITY & SOLIDARITY OF THE NATION WITH A GROWING DIVERSITY: HOW a society could embrace diversity without losing culture, identity & solidarity of the nation;
HARNESSING DIVERSITY: HOW we can move beyond where we stand now towards creating a truly multicultural society in which diversity is not merely managed or tolerated but fully harnessed as a thriving lived experience for enrichment of everyone involved & benefit of the society as a whole;
ENSURING FAIRNESS FOR ALL: HOW we can ensure fairness for ALL — intersection between CLASS & RACE — the sense of unfairness felt by the majority that is fueling a 'white backlash;
RISE OF POPULISM: HOW the intersection between economic, social, cultural & psychological forces is fueling the rise of populism that is being expressed now & HOW it can be addressed at the root.
MULTICULTURAL CONSULTING: It offers MULTICULTURAL CONSULTING for societies with emerging & enduring challenges of multiculturalism (ethnic nations with a growing diversity as well as immigrant nations) on HOW they can address their multicultural challenges. It offers the following services:
Q&A Session: Q&A session that answers HOW you can address your challenges;
Lecture: On particular subjects you are interested in understanding more about (the logic/mechanism of HOW it works);
Contextual Analysis & Visioning: Contextual analysis of WHERE YOU STAND NOW & strategic visioning of HOW YOU CAN MOVE FORWARD, including what frameworks & structures you can put into place;
Program Design & Implementation: Based on your need, design & implementation of programs that intervene at the root of the problem, including:
INTEGRATION WORKSHOP: Rather than a conventional ‘integration program’ of helping immigrants ‘try harder’ to integrate themselves by learning the language & norms of the host society, MULTICULTURAL CHALLENGE addresses the real issue of HOW they can develop a sense of belonging & emotional identification with the nation & arrive at a harmonious resolution on the questions of belonging, identity & relationship between cultures (a seamless integration of different cultures in one body), which can be organized as a one-on-one consultation or a group workshop (for first generation or children of immigrants).
MULTICULTURAL EDUCATION: While teaching a largely homogeneous group of university students on the subject of MULTICULTURALISM, I observed an interesting phenomenon: When the issue was framed as a 'minority issue' & 'how to treat minorities better,' the issue remained outside of my students, but when it was framed as 'what kind of society do we want to create?' 'how do we ensure equality, fairness & justice for ALL?', then students got riled up about the issue without me having to convince them why the issue mattered & why they should care. This experience taught me that in order to achieve UNITY in society, MULTICULTURALISM had to be framed as a social design issue that affected us all, including the majority, rather than a a 'minority issue,' which maintained a division between the majority & minorities.
METHOD: MULTICULTURAL CHALLENGE creates a unifying, clarifying & holistic SPACE for CRITICAL ANALYSIS & SOCIAL VISIONING that takes students through the process of critically analyzing WHERE WE STAND NOW & social visioning of HOW WE CAN MOVE FORWARD. Through the process, participants gain SOCIAL CONSCIOUSNESS to be able to SEE, with a critical distance, WHY where we stand now is still a problem & HOW we can move beyond where we stand now.​
BEYOND MULTICULTURALISM [6-Weeks]: How do we create a society in which people from different cultures can live together? BEYOND MULTICULTURALISM takes participants through the process of critically evaluating where we stand now — in terms of the ethos of egalitarianism & inclusion & how people across racial & ethnic boundaries interact with one another — WHY where we stand now is still a problem & HOW we can move beyond where we stand now towards creating a truly multicultural society in which diversity is not merely tolerated or managed but fully harnessed as a thriving lived experience.
ROOTS OF POPULISM [6-Week Online Workshop]: Despite the eruption of populism across the globe that is throwing liberal democratic values into a disarray, there is little public understanding of what populism is, what's fueling it & what can be done about it. ROOTS OF POPULISM takes participants through the social design process of holistically & systematically making sense of how economic, social, cultural & psychological forces are colliding & intersecting to fuel the phenomenon of populism that are being expressed now & how it can be addressed at the root.​​​​
How do we create an inclusive and egalitarian society in which diversity is not merely tolerated or managed but fully harnessed for enrichment of everyone involved & benefit of the society as a whole?
Despite progress made over the last decades, MULTICULTURALISM still remains an enduring challenge, all the more urgent as we stand at the junction of retrogressing to the homogeneous & hierarchical past rather than progressing towards egalitarian, inclusive & plural ideals.
MULTICULTURAL CHALLENGE inserts analytic insight on HOW we can rise up to the challenges of creating a multicultural society in the 21C. It works on the following key challenges:​
INTEGRATION: HOW immigrants come to be integrated into a society & what we mean by 'integration' anyway;
FEAR OF LOSING CULTURE, IDENTITY & SOLIDARITY OF THE NATION WITH A GROWING DIVERSITY: HOW a society could embrace diversity without losing culture, identity & solidarity of the nation;
HARNESSING DIVERSITY: HOW we can move beyond where we stand now towards creating a truly multicultural society in which diversity is not merely managed or tolerated but fully harnessed as a thriving lived experience for enrichment of everyone involved & benefit of the society as a whole;
ENSURING FAIRNESS FOR ALL: HOW we can ensure fairness for ALL — intersection between CLASS & RACE — the sense of unfairness felt by the majority that is fueling a 'white backlash;
RISE OF POPULISM: HOW the intersection between economic, social, cultural & psychological forces is fueling the rise of populism that is being expressed now & HOW it can be addressed at the root.
​MULTICULTURAL EDUCATION: While teaching a largely homogeneous group of university students on the subject of MULTICULTURALISM, I observed an interesting phenomenon: When the issue was framed as a 'minority issue' & 'how to treat minorities better,' the issue remained outside of my students, but when it was framed as 'what kind of society do we want to create?' 'how do we ensure equality, fairness & justice for ALL?', then students got riled up about the issue without me having to convince them why the issue mattered & why they should care. This experience taught me that in order to achieve UNITY in society, MULTICULTURALISM had to be framed as a social design issue that affected us all, including the majority, rather than a a 'minority issue,' which maintained a division between the majority & minorities.
METHOD: MULTICULTURAL CHALLENGE creates a unifying, clarifying & holistic SPACE for CRITICAL ANALYSIS & SOCIAL VISIONING that takes students through critical analysis of WHERE WE STAND NOW & social visioning of HOW WE CAN MOVE FORWARD, which sharpens critical thinking & design thinking in direct engagement with urgent issues of our time. Through the process, it raises SOCIAL CONSCIOUSNESS to be able to SEE, with a critical distance, WHY where we stand now is still a problem & HOW we can move beyond where we stand now.
BEYOND MULTICULTURALISM [6-Weeks]: How do we create a society in which people from different cultures can live together? BEYOND MULTICULTURALISM takes participants through the process of critically evaluating where we stand now — in terms of the ethos of egalitarianism & inclusion & how people across racial & ethnic boundaries interact with one another — WHY where we stand now is still a problem & HOW we can move beyond where we stand now towards creating a truly multicultural society in which diversity is not merely tolerated or managed but fully harnessed as a thriving lived experience.
ROOTS OF POPULISM [6-Week Online Workshop]: Despite the eruption of populism across the globe that is throwing liberal democratic values into a disarray, there is little public understanding of what populism is, what's fueling it & what can be done about it. ROOTS OF POPULISM takes participants through the social design process of holistically & systematically making sense of how economic, social, cultural & psychological forces are colliding & intersecting to fuel the phenomenon of populism that are being expressed now & how it can be addressed at the root.​
I am interested in partnering with institutions around the globe in inserting the courses into their curriculum. For this partnership, please use the inquiry form below.
MULTICULTURAL CONSULTING: It offers MULTICULTURAL CONSULTING for societies with emerging & enduring challenges of multiculturalism (ethnic nations with a growing diversity as well as immigrant nations) on HOW they can address their multicultural challenges. It offers the following services: ​
Lecture: On particular subjects you are interested in understanding more about (the logic/mechanism of HOW it works);
Contextual Analysis & Visioning: Contextual analysis of WHERE YOU STAND NOW & strategic visioning of HOW YOU CAN MOVE FORWARD, including what frameworks & structures you can put into place;
Program Design & Implementation: Based on your need, design & implementation of programs that intervene at the root of the problem, including:
INTEGRATION WORKSHOP: Rather than a conventional ‘integration program’ of helping immigrants ‘try harder’ to integrate themselves by learning the language & norms of the host society, MULTICULTURAL CHALLENGE addresses the real issue of HOW they can develop a sense of belonging & emotional identification with the nation & arrive at a harmonious resolution on the questions of belonging, identity & relationship between cultures (a seamless integration of different cultures in one body), which can be organized as a one-on-one consultation or a group workshop (for first generation or children of immigrants).
MULTICULTURAL CONSULTING starts with an inquiry that describes what multicultural challenge you are looking to resolve.​​​
What is true power & how do you come to feel it?
When I first decided that I wanted to write, I felt powerless to write, which set me off on a journey of trying to figure out why I couldn't write. I discovered that while most endeavors in life was achievable through a strong discipline and willpower, creativity was one arena that could not happen without being connected to one's deeper self — where true source of power resides. I went on an obsessive search of understanding what 'true power' is & how one becomes connected to it. What I discovered along this process turned out to be the most valuable truth that life could have revealed to me, which not only enabled me to write but also ended up transforming all arenas of my life. I decided to share my insights to empower others and make it more accessible to the wider public.
ART OF CONSCIOUSNESS empowers you with the tools to connect with your true source of power, from which you can unleash & express your full potential. It takes you through a step-by-step process of dismantling what's blocking access to your true source of power & connecting with it. You will not only come to understand what true power is conceptually, but also embody it experientially & be rooted in it.
Beyond analysis of the mind or connection with the body, it goes deeper into connecting with consciousness itself — where your true source of power resides. It works both on the level of 'form' & 'formless' dimension: ​Identifying & releasing what's blocking access to your true source of power (the 'form' dimension) AND empowering you with the tools to connect with your true source of power (the 'formless' dimension). A growing intensity of consciousness & dis-identification with 'form' — the process of HEALING — would allow you to fully & firmly step into your true source of power.
It is suitable for anyone who wants to feel their power/worth/value from within themselves & (re)start their lives from the place of empowerment rather than dis-empowerment. It is also recommended for those with creative goals (writers, artists, entrepreneurs...) who want to create works that arise from the source/wellspring of creativity that have the power to communicate the deeper truth.
It offers a series of workshops that show HOW the tools of connecting to your deeper self can be applied towards:
POWER: Feeling your worth/value/power from within yourself independent of anything external;
PURPOSE: Arriving at a sense of purpose in alignment with the truth of who you are;
CREATIVITY: Overcoming creative block & manifesting your creative vision;
PERFORMANCE: Conquering stage fright & executing performance at your fullest level
& HOW you can use the challenge at hand as the opportunity to strengthen your connection to your deeper self & expedite your overall healing process.
What is true power & how do you come to feel it?
When I first decided that I wanted to write, I felt powerless to write, which set me off on a journey of trying to figure out why I couldn't write. I discovered that while most endeavors in life was achievable through a strong discipline and willpower, creativity was one arena that could not happen without being connected to one's deeper self — where true source of power resides. I went on an obsessive search of understanding what 'true power' is & how one becomes connected to it. What I discovered along this process turned out to be the most valuable truth that life could have revealed to me, which not only enabled me to write but also ended up transforming all arenas of my life. I decided to share my insights to empower others and make it more accessible to the wider public.
ART OF CONSCIOUSNESS empowers you with the tools to connect with your true source of power, from which you can unleash & express your full potential. It takes you through a step-by-step process of dismantling what's blocking access to your true source of power & connecting with it. You will not only come to understand what true power is conceptually, but also embody it experientially & be rooted in it.
Beyond analysis of the mind or connection with the body, it goes deeper into connecting with consciousness itself — where your true source of power resides. It works both on the level of 'form' & 'formless' dimension: ​Identifying & releasing what's blocking access to your true source of power (the 'form' dimension) AND empowering you with the tools to connect with your true source of power (the 'formless' dimension). A growing intensity of consciousness & dis-identification with 'form' — the process of HEALING — would allow you to fully & firmly step into your true source of power.
It is suitable for anyone who wants to feel their power/worth/value from within themselves & (re)start their lives from the place of empowerment rather than dis-empowerment. It is also recommended for those with creative goals (writers, artists, entrepreneurs...) who want to create works that arise from the source/wellspring of creativity that have the power to communicate the deeper truth.
Without being connected to our deeper self, it is inevitable that we would seek out our sense of self & worth through the 'forms' out there — be it our achievement, association or appearance — the 'crutches' to derive our sense of self & worth, where our true self & worth cannot be found.
This is a shaky ground to stand on since our sense of self & worth would depend on external circumstances. And without being firmly rooted in the unshakable sense of self & worth, we would be caught by persistent forces of self doubt & doubt that continue to derail us & hold us back from realizing our full potential.
It is only when we have discovered our deeper self, which resides in ourselves — independent of anything external & prior to any conditioning — that we would be able to let go the 'crutches' to derive our sense of self & worth — what we have been holding onto so tightly as if they defined who we were & what we were worth. And the magnitude & immensity of what we could achieve when it arises out of the infinite worth we already feel inside of ourselves would be immeasurable compared to striving to achieve something in order to prove our worth.
ART OF CONSCIOUSNESS is a healing art studio that empowers you with the tools to connect with your deeper self, from which you can which you can unleash & express your full potential.
Beyond analysis of the mind or connection with the body, it goes deeper into connecting with consciousness itself — where your true source of power resides. It works both on the level of 'form' & 'formless' dimension: ​Identifying & releasing what's blocking access to your true source of power (the 'form' dimension) AND empowering you with the tools to connect with your true source of power (the 'formless' dimension). A growing intensity of consciousness & dis-identification with 'form' — the process of HEALING — would allow you to fully & firmly step into your true source of power.
When I first decided that I wanted to write, I felt powerless to write, which set me off on a journey of trying to figure out why I couldn't write. I discovered that while most endeavors in life was achievable through a strong discipline and willpower, creativity was one arena that could not happen without being connected to one's 'deeper self.' I went on an obsessive search of understanding what 'deeper self' is & how one becomes connected to it. What I discovered along this process turned out to be the most valuable truth that life could have revealed to me, which not only enabled me to write but also ended up transforming all arenas of my life. I decided to share my insights to empower others and make it more accessible to the wider public.
ART OF CONSCIOUSNESS is a healing art studio that empowers you with the tools to connect with your deeper self, from which you can unleash & express your full potential.
It equips you with the tools to:
CONNECT with your deeper self — where your true self/worth resides;
RELEASE the accumulated baggage of conditioning — what's blocking access to your deeper self;
USE the 'problematic' arenas of your own life — arenas you feel helpless/powerless about — as the opportunity to strengthen your connection to your deeper self & expedite your healing process
Through the process, you will have:
Unloaded/dissolved the accumulated baggage of conditioning
Accessed the transcendental dimension — the unbearable lightness of being
Connected with your inner authority, guidance, knowing
Feel your worth
Found your self
Beyond analysis of the mind or connection with the body, it goes deeper into connecting with consciousness itself — where your true self & worth resides. It works both on the level of 'form' & 'formless' dimension: Identifying & releasing what's blocking access to your deeper self (the 'form') AND empowering you with the tools to connect with your deeper self (the 'formless') — the the seat from which you can watch, with distance & spaciousness, the forms that arise without being identified with them. A growing intensity of consciousness (the 'formless') & dis-identification with 'form' — the process of HEALING — would allow you to fully & firmly step into your deeper self.
"The real enemy is within yourself.' — Eckhart Tolle
"There is a second self inside you — a shadow self. This self doesn't care about you. It doesn't love you. It has its own agenda, and it will kill you. It will kill you like cancer. It will kill you to achieve its agenda, which is to prevent you from actualizing your Self, from becoming who you really are."
— Quote of Rabbi Finley from Steven Pressfield's 'The Ego and the Self'
​​When I first decided to write, I felt powerless to write, which set me off on a journey of trying to figure out why I couldn't write. I discovered that while most endeavors in life was achievable through a strong discipline and willpower, creativity was one arena that could not happen without being connected to one's deeper self. I went on an obsessive search of understanding what 'deeper self' is & how one becomes connected to it. What I discovered along this process turned out to be the most valuable truth that life could have revealed to me, which not only enabled me to write but also ended up transforming all arenas of my life. I decided to share my insight to empower others and make it more accessible to the wider public.
* * *
Tired of playing small, holding yourself back, feeling disempowered, not shining the light you are meant to shine?
There is one battle we need to fight & that battle is an inner battle against the SHADOW self [aka the SHADOW, MIND, EGO...] that will keep us disempowered, keep us small & keep us stuck unless we stood up to it & declared independence from it.
The SHADOW self is a fear/doubt/anxiety-based, survival-based, image-based side of us, more worried about security & comfort [playing safe], more concerned about what other people think of us [image], rather than being the truth of who we are & fulfilling our highest potential.
But only way to stand up to the SHADOW self is not try to get rid of it or arm-wrestle with it, which would only strengthen it, but to simply shine light of consciousness on it : Once you clearly SEE it in operation, it loses power over you. But the only way to clearly SEE it in operation is to go deeper [aka CONSCIOUSNESS, SOUL, SPIRIT...], the seat from which you can watch — with distance & spaciousness — the inner saboteur in operation without identifying with it. You become the witnessing presence of the inner saboteur rather than being totally identified with it.
ART OF CONSCIOUSNESS empowers you with the tools to connect with your deeper self, from which you can unleash & realize your full potential.
Beyond analysis of the mind or connection with the body, it goes deeper into connecting with consciousness itself. It empowers you with the tools to:
IDENTIFY with consciousness — the LIGHT;
USE: CHALLENGES [arenas you feel 'powerless' about] as the means to shift your seat of identification from EGO to CONSCIOUSNESS [the end].
A growing expansion of CONSCIOUSNESS & dis-identification with EGO — the process of HEALING — would allow you make the shift.​
Came to feel your intrinsic value/worth/power;
Found your true self — who you really are;
Connected to the SOURCE, INFINITY of BEING;
Connected to the ground of your BEING;
​Came to access the transcendental dimension — the unbearable lightness of BEING;
FORMATS OFFERED (In-Person or via Zoom):
1:1 SESSIONS: 12 x 1hr ZOOM sessions over the course of 3 months that takes you on a journey of transformation & healing, using arenas you feel 'powerless' about as the opportunity go deeper & expedite your overall healing process;
GROUP MASTERCLASS: 3-hr immersive experience that empower participants with the tools to connect with their deeper self [including an overview on the logic of how it works], from which they can unleash & express their full potential;
"The real enemy is within yourself.' — Eckhart Tolle
"There is a second self inside you — a shadow self. This self doesn't care about you. It doesn't love you. It has its own agenda, and it will kill you. It will kill you like cancer. It will kill you to achieve its agenda, which is to prevent you from actualizing your Self, from becoming who you really are."
— Quote of Rabbi Finley from Steven Pressfield's 'The Ego and the Self'
​​When I first decided to write, I felt powerless to write, which set me off on a journey of trying to figure out why I couldn't write. I discovered that while most endeavors in life was achievable through a strong discipline and willpower, creativity was one arena that could not happen without being connected to one's deeper self. I went on an obsessive search of understanding what 'deeper self' is & how one becomes connected to it. What I discovered along this process turned out to be the most valuable truth that life could have revealed to me, which not only enabled me to write but also ended up transforming all arenas of my life. I decided to share my insight to empower others and make it more accessible to the wider public.
* * *
Tired of playing small, holding yourself back, feeling disempowered, not shining the light you are meant to shine?
There is one battle we need to fight & that battle is an inner battle against the SHADOW self [aka the SHADOW, MIND, EGO...] that will keep us disempowered, keep us small & keep us stuck unless we stood up to it & declared independence from it.
The SHADOW self is a fear/doubt/anxiety-based, survival-based, image-based side of us, more worried about security & comfort [playing safe], more concerned about what other people think of us [image], rather than being the truth of who we are & fulfilling our highest potential.
But only way to stand up to the SHADOW self is to no longer identify with it. And the only way to no longer identify with SHADOW self is to go deeper -- surrender to deeper self & simply BE yourself. WHEN you simply BE yourself, there is no striving energy, you become who you are.
where true self resides, the seat from whi
not try to get rid of it or arm-wrestle with it, which would only strengthen it, but to simply shine light of consciousness on it : Once you clearly SEE it in operation, it loses power over you. But the only way to clearly SEE it in operation is to go deeper [aka CONSCIOUSNESS, SOUL, SPIRIT...], the seat from which you can watch — with distance & spaciousness — the inner saboteur in operation without identifying with it. You become the witnessing presence of the inner saboteur rather than being totally identified with it.
ART OF CONSCIOUSNESS empowers you with the tools to connect with your deeper self, from which you can unleash & realize your full potential.
Beyond analysis of the mind or connection with the body, it goes deeper into connecting with consciousness itself. It empowers you with the tools to:
IDENTIFY with consciousness — the LIGHT;
USE: CHALLENGES [arenas you feel 'powerless' about] as the means to shift your seat of identification from EGO to CONSCIOUSNESS [the end].
A growing expansion of CONSCIOUSNESS & dis-identification with EGO — the process of HEALING — would allow you make the shift.​
Came to feel your intrinsic value/worth/power;
Found your true self — who you really are;
Connected to the SOURCE, INFINITY of BEING;
Connected to the ground of your BEING;
​Came to access the transcendental dimension — the unbearable lightness of BEING;
FORMATS OFFERED (In-Person or via Zoom):
1:1 SESSIONS: 12 x 1hr ZOOM sessions over the course of 3 months that takes you on a journey of transformation & healing, using arenas you feel 'powerless' about as the opportunity go deeper & expedite your overall healing process;
GROUP MASTERCLASS: 3-hr immersive experience that empower participants with the tools to connect with their deeper self [including an overview on the logic of how it works], from which they can unleash & express their full potential;
When I first decided to write, I felt powerless to write, which set me off on a journey of trying to figure out why I couldn't write. I discovered that while most endeavors in life was achievable through a strong discipline and willpower, creativity was one arena that could not happen without being connected to one's deeper self. I went on an obsessive search of understanding what 'deeper self' is & how one becomes connected to it. What I discovered along this process turned out to be the most valuable truth that life could have revealed to me, which not only enabled me to write but also ended up transforming all arenas of my life. I decided to share my insight to empower others and make it more accessible to the wider public.
* * *
Without being connected to our deeper self — where our true self & worth resides, it is inevitable that we would seek out our sense of self & worth that we don't feel inside of ourselves through form-based identities — be it nation, class, race, ethnicity, religion, political party, a false sense of superiority/inferiority over/under others — the 'crutches' to derive our sense of self & worth, where our true self & worth cannot be found.
This not only only perpetuates the societal 'symptoms' of hierarchy & tribalism, but also we remain disconnected from our true self & worth — who we really are & what we are worth, denying ourselves from being the truth who we are & expressing our full potential.
​It is only when we have discovered our deeper self, which reside in ourselves — independent of anything external, prior to any conditioning — that we would be able to let go the 'crutches' to derive our sense of self & worth — what we have been holding onto so tightly as if they defined who we were & what we were worth. ​And the magnitude & immensity of what we could manifest when it arises out of the infinite worth we already feel inside of ourselves would be immeasurable compared to striving to achieve something in order to prove our worth.
ART OF CONSCIOUSNESS empowers you with the tools to connect with your deeper self — the transcendental dimension — from which you can unleash & realize your full potential.
​Beyond analysis of the mind or connection with the body, it goes deeper into connecting with consciousness itself. It empowers you with the tools to:
CONNECT with your deeper self & become rooted in It — the formless dimension;
LET GO the 'crutches' to derive your fictitious sense of self & worth —the form dimension;
USE challenges as the means to shift your seat of identification from form to formless dimension[the end]​
A growing expansion of consciousness & dis-identification with 'form' — the process of HEALING — would allow you to make that shift.
Came to feel your intrinsic value/worth/power;
Found your true self — who you really are;
Connected to the SOURCE, INFINITY of BEING;
Connected to the ground of your BEING;
​Came to access the transcendental dimension — the unbearable lightness of BEING;
FORMATS OFFERED (In-Person or via Zoom):
LECTURE + Q & A: 1-hr lecture+Q&A on 'What deeper self is & HOW you can become connected to it'
1:1 SESSIONS: 12 x 1hr ZOOM sessions over the course of 3 months that empowers you with the tools to connect with your deeper self, from which you can unleash & express your full potential;
GROUP MASTERCLASS: 3-hr immersive experience that empower participants with the tools to connect with their deeper self, from which they can unleash & express their full potential;
"The real enemy is within yourself.' — Eckhart Tolle
"There is a second self inside you — a shadow self. This self doesn't care about you. It doesn't love you. It has its own agenda, and it will kill you. It will kill you like cancer. It will kill you to achieve its agenda, which is to prevent you from actualizing your Self, from becoming who you really are."
— Quote of Rabbi Finley from Steven Pressfield's 'The Ego and the Self'
​​When I first decided to write, I felt powerless to write, which set me off on a journey of trying to figure out why I couldn't write. I discovered that while most endeavors in life was achievable through a strong discipline and willpower, creativity was one arena that could not happen without being connected to one's deeper self. I went on an obsessive search of understanding what 'deeper self' is & how one becomes connected to it. What I discovered along this process turned out to be the most valuable truth that life could have revealed to me, which not only enabled me to write but also ended up transforming all arenas of my life. I decided to share my insight to empower others and make it more accessible to the wider public.
* * *
Tired of playing small, holding yourself back, feeling disempowered, not shining the light you are meant to shine?
There is one battle we need to fight & that battle is an inner battle against the inner saboteur [aka the SHADOW, MIND, EGO...] that will keep us disempowered, keep us small & keep us stuck unless we stood up to it & declared independence from it.
The SHADOW self is a fear/doubt/anxiety-based, survival-based, image-based part of us, more worried about security & comfort [playing safe], more concerned about what other people think of us [image], rather than being the truth of who we are & fulfilling our highest potential.
But only way to stand up to the SHADOW self is not try to get rid of it or arm-wrestle with it, which would only strengthen it, but to simply shine light of consciousness on it : Once you clearly SEE it in operation, it loses power over you. You become the witnessing presence of the inner saboteur rather than being totally identified with it.
It is​ only when you have discovered the transcendental dimension -- that you will be in touch with the infinite, vast, expansive source of BEING -- that you will no longer be identified with such limited sense of self & access your superpower be able to transcend the fictious/limited sense of self & access/connect to your super power that would be infinitely more powerful than the little EGO trying so hard to figure it all out & make it happen.
ART OF CONSCIOUSNESS empowers you with the tools to connect with your deeper self, from which you can unleash & realize your full potential.
Beyond analysis of the mind or connection with the body, it goes deeper into connecting with consciousness itself. It empowers you with the tools to:
IDENTIFY with consciousness — the LIGHT;
USE: CHALLENGES [arenas you feel 'powerless' about] as the means to shift your seat of identification from EGO to CONSCIOUSNESS [the end].
A growing expansion of CONSCIOUSNESS & dis-identification with EGO — the process of HEALING — would allow you make the shift.​
Came to feel your intrinsic value/worth/power;
Found your true self — who you really are;
Connected to the SOURCE, INFINITY of BEING;
Connected to the ground of your BEING;
​Came to access the transcendental dimension — the unbearable lightness of BEING;
FORMATS OFFERED (In-Person or via Zoom):
1:1 SESSIONS: 12 x 1hr ZOOM sessions over the course of 3 months that takes you on a journey of transformation & healing, using arenas you feel 'powerless' about as the opportunity go deeper & expedite your overall healing process;
GROUP MASTERCLASS: 3-hr immersive experience that empower participants with the tools to connect with their deeper self [including an overview on the logic of how it works], from which they can unleash & express their full potential;
As long as we are identified with EGO -- a fear/doubt based, survival-based, image-based side of us, more worried about security & comfort [playing safe], more concerned about what other people think of us [image], rather than being the truth of who we are & fulfilling our highest potential, we would keep playing small, hold ourselves back from realizing our full potential.
It is​ only when you have discovered the transcendental dimension -- that you will be in touch with the infinite, vast, expansive source of BEING -- no longer such limited sense of self & access your superpower be able to transcend the fictious/limited sense of self & access/connect to your super power that would be infinitely more powerful than the little EGO trying so hard to figure it all out & make it happen.
​​​​​But only way to stand up to the SHADOW self is not try to get rid of it or arm-wrestle with it, which would only strengthen it, but to clearly recognize it in operation: once you clearly SEE it in operation, like darkness exposed to light, it loses power over you. You become the witnessing presence of EGO in operation rather than being totally identified with it.
The purpose of life is to shift our seat of identification from EGO to CONSCIOUSNESS [the end]. And you use challenges you are looking to resolve in your own life [arenas you feel 'powerless' about] as the 'means' to make that shift.
ART OF CONSCIOUSNESS empowers you with the tools to connect with your deeper self, from which you can unleash & realize your full potential.
Beyond analysis of the mind or connection with the body, it goes deeper into connecting with consciousness itself. It empowers you with the tools to:
ACCESS the transcendental dimension — the LIGHT;
USE: CHALLENGES [arenas you feel 'powerless' about] as the means to shift your seat of identification from EGO to CONSCIOUSNESS [the end].
A growing expansion of CONSCIOUSNESS & dis-identification with EGO — the process of HEALING — would allow you become securely rooted in BEING.
Came to feel your intrinsic value/worth/power;
Found your true self — who you really are;
Connected to the SOURCE, INFINITY of BEING;
Connected to the ground of your BEING;
​Came to access the transcendental dimension — the unbearable lightness of BEING;
FORMATS OFFERED (In-Person or via Zoom):
1:1 SESSIONS: 12 x 1hr ZOOM sessions over the course of 3 months that takes you on a journey of transformation & healing, using arenas you feel 'powerless' about as the opportunity go deeper & expedite your overall healing process;
GROUP MASTERCLASS: 3-hr immersive experience that empower participants with the tools to connect with their deeper self [including an overview on the logic of how it works], from which they can unleash & express their full potential;